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Introduction | Tiffany Tantra Goddess

Houston Tantric Massage

Experience maximum relaxation and pleasure with my sensual and erotic massage, an independent and certified masseuse who wants to share my gift with you. As the exotic tantric temptress that I am, I believe in the power of healing and sensual satisfaction.

I offer you a magnificent session of tribute to the body, in which you will lose yourself in the pure pleasure of the magic of my hands and my global presence, With Latin Caribbean blood, I exude sensuality and passion, my smile with natural full lips and my voice will captivate you,

I have many skills and I am very selective of low volume, I prefer quality, I value gentlemen who maintain impeccable personal hygiene, who are respectful and polite, who like to be treated with the same respect, I love exploring both the physical and spiritual realms, give yourself the opportunity to experience the unforgettable.



Classic Massage (45 minutes) - $300

Tantric Elements Massage (1 Hour) - $350

Tie & Tease Massage (1 Hour) - $400

Purely Sensual Renewal Massage (1 Hour) - $600

Couple Tantric Massage (1 Hour) - $1000


Purely Sensual Renewal Massage (1 Hour) - $650

Couple Tantric Massage (1 Hour) - $1300


Tie & Tease Massage (1 Hour) - $500

Purely Sensual Renewal Massage (1 Hour) - $700

Couple Tantric Massage (1 Hour) - $1500



When contacting me, please send your name, what day and time you are looking for, and how many hours you want along with a selfie and an identification photo.

Mobile - 832-885-9771


Verification and evaluation are required to establish mutual trust and maintain a safe environment; Private information is always kept confidential.

I need your Full name, Age, Ethnicity, and Profession with any of the following:

1. Selfie of your face with your ID next to it can cover up information I don't need, it only reveals your face and full name, and your job on LinkedIn

2. p411 or 2 recent references

3. Screening


A small 20% deposit is required once the appointment is scheduled to secure all reservations and can be sent via CashApp @gatita255.


If your session is canceled within 48 hours I will apply your deposit to reschedule another session

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